How You Start ( Begin With Good Habits)

I am on the road right now, and I am getting ready to fly back home. For I been living that hotel life for the last two days. One thing I have to say about hotels is that I think they try to step up their gym game. The one that I am at had a decent fitness center with pairs of dumbbells from 15 lbs to 45 lbs and three cardio machines.

Since April 19th of this year I worked out every day for at least 15 minutes, and I been aware for a while that around this time I would be traveling, so I planned on how I was going to train. If the hotel had a pretty good fitness center, and this one did, then I was going to use it. If it did not have one, then I had plan b, which would have been calisthenics in form of TABATAs or Pyramids.

Now my workout plan for travel kicked off two days ago. I worked out at my house in the morning before I ate breakfast, then I drove to the airport. After I checked in the hotel, I saw direction for their fitness center. I checked it out to see what they had, and from what I saw I planned on how I was going to workout.

Well along with knowing I would be traveling I also knew the schedule for the last 2 days, so I picked a time for when I will be working out which was in the morning. After doing my workouts and other things in the morning I was ready to go. I was running the day with momentum.

In life I always believe that it is not just about how you start, but how you finish. However having bad habits to start in a ditch puts people in uphill battles and youth will not always be there to bail you out. For while being young it is good to have good habits on how you begin your day, because eventually you will see the advantage of starting the day with momentum to put yourself in a position to have a chance to finish strong. Now getting their takes focus and discipline.

Being on the road for the last two days reminded me the value of momentum that begins with good habits, because consistently doing that I am getting better a little bit each day. I’m not where I want to be, but I am getting there.

Consistently doing things will force you to plan ahead when something comes to take you out of your comfort zone as being where you live and it’s surroundings. For I knew my travel could take me out of my habits. I mean yeah sure I could have missed a day or two of not working out, but I do not want to. It’s that important to me even if it was just 15 minutes. Therefore I planned ahead so I can continue to start my day working out to still begin the day with momentum.

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